Thursday, April 16, 2020

Buy PowerPoint - 10 Killer Tips For Making Your Presentation Stand Out

Buy PowerPoint - 10 Killer Tips For Making Your Presentation Stand OutUsing the same color and font for your slide presentation as you do on your resume will help your PowerPoint presentation to stand out from all of the other similarly worded documents that are floating around the web. Of course, if your resume is less than stellar, it's not going to make much of a difference. But if your resume is great, there are some tips that you can put into place to make your PowerPoint presentation stand out even more.Set The Stage With Backgrounds First - You need to set the stage for what you're presenting, and the most successful PowerPoint presentations are generally set in white space. They make things look a little more refined and natural. So your background should match the rest of the presentation.Include Business Cards, Or Use Web Links Instead - Business cards are an acceptable replacement for a resume if you don't feel comfortable including them. However, they do take up space and sometimes the person you're introducing doesn't even have one.Use Web Links instead - You really need to use this technique as a rule. It helps to set the stage and make it look like you're a lot more organized and business minded than you actually are. And you can always send it off to an online agency or someone to take care of it. These tips are great for this scenario.Give Back to the audience - If your PowerPoint presentation is overbooked, don't just continue to stand there and wait for the doors to open. Come up to the front and hand out the check! That will get their attention!Start with a Brief Summary - Finish the presentation off with a little bit of info, or at least a short wrap up. Don't drag it on forever. You'll be more remembered for it if you end it that way.Speak Up! - Speak up when you see a mistake or something you can change. Otherwise, your slide presentation is going to seem like it was done by somebody who wasn't paying attention.Open With an Uppercase 'OUC H' Uppercase 'OUCH!' - The speaker makes a big mistake, so be loud. And if your audience can't hear you, don't give up, keep going!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Finding College Essay Sample Topics That You Are Interested In

Finding College Essay Sample Topics That You Are Interested InWhen you are looking for writing samples for college essays, you need to find a topic that is truly challenging for you. The research needs to be thorough in order to identify an area of your interest that you feel passionate about. Writing a good topic will require focus and determination.If you are not sure what topic you would like to write, then you need to find an assignment that asks you to write about a specific topic. A good example would be to select one of the topics that are on the test, such as A Question of Philosophy or Ethics or Social Justice. These areas are generally challenging.There is no reason to start with something you have never done, as your past research is vital. Using a past research database such as a university book store can be very helpful, as this may contain essays that have been written by students who have just completed college and have a similar topic. It can also be used as a resourc e for literature and arts topics.Ask yourself if your student's passion is in writing or in sports. If this is true, then it will likely be reflected in the topic. Keep in mind that this may not be true for all students, but you do want to find a topic that is new, since if you are passionate about it, then you may feel the need to write it.Find some college essay samples that have been written by previous students that share the same passion. This way, you know that you will be able to discuss a topic that will be interesting and engaging to both you and your students. You may even find essays that are challenging and interesting.Try to match your college essay samples to the type of assignment. For example, if the assignment is an oral presentation, it is more appropriate to find essay samples that were written by students who were asked to speak at a lecture. If the assignment is a research paper, it is more appropriate to find essay samples that were written by students who were asked to analyze data or do research.As long as you find a topic that you are truly passionate about, you will be able to put yourself in the mind of the writer. At the end of the day, you want to make sure that your students enjoy what they are writing. This is why using past research can be so helpful.